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Lotus genuine parts and spares Lotus Esprit S1 and S2, Body and Trim, Windscreen and Glass

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Hints and Tips
Part Number
Hints and tips for windscreen   (clear)

Most Series One cars have clear glass. Clear or tinted can be fitted to all models. To check if you have clear or tinted glass, hold a piece of paper behind the glass, if appears green, you have tinted.

Hints and tips for l/h rear 1/4 window (clear) (early models)

Early models have the glass mounted in a frame. Later models use a different glass which is bonded to the body shell.

Hints and tips for r/h rear 1/4 window (clear) (early models)

Early models have the glass mounted in a frame. Later models use a different glass which is bonded to the body shell.

Hints and tips for r/h rear 1/4 window (tinted) (early models)

Early models have the glass mounted in a frame. Later models use a different glass which is bonded to the body shell.

This part number is no longer available, Steve suggests
SJ079U0040 £85.00
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